
学会进行研究, think critically and facilitate conversations essential to understanding, 欣赏和推广非洲文化 非洲学和非裔美国人研究文学学士学位 在威尼斯赌场网站文学院. 

This 123-credit multidisciplinary undergraduate degree program invites students to study the cultures, 非洲的历史和政治, 它的国家和人民. 课程设置以非洲为中心, so all courses explore academic topics from the standpoint of African agency in economic, political, 心理和社会环境, among many others. 你将参与对课堂等主题的批判性讨论, ethnicity, gender and race, 以及它们在历史和当今社会中的相关性. 

Students in the Africology and African American Studies Department have the unique opportunity to

  • 为《威尼斯人赌场网站》撰稿, 学科内同行评议最高的出版物; 
  • 与地方、国家和国际非洲社区建立联系;
  • learn from and research alongside highly esteemed faculty; and 
  • 加纳留学. 

Students can also see firsthand the topics they study in Temple’s Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection—one of the most prestigious collections of African American artifacts in the United States. It houses over 500,000 items on the global black experience dating from 1581 to the present.  

该项目还将深入研究非裔美国人的文化, examining how it has developed into a rich and unique community over the centuries.

Graduates are prepared to pursue master’s or doctoral degree programs across an array of professions including the health sciences, 法律与社会科学. 毕业生也会继续在艺术和文化领域工作, 中小学教育, 社会工作及行政, research design, and more. 


Temple’s Africology and African American Studies Department is one of the oldest of similar programs in the nation and was the first to offer a doctoral degree in the field. 出现在黑人权力运动期间, the program was created to serve as an academic platform from which students could combat racism, 歧视和压迫. In the 1990s, 这个部门发起了圣殿圈, a team of scholars that defined the key theoretical and philosophical bases for the study of African phenomena.

Today, the Africology and African American Studies Department and Temple University remain as committed as ever to this mission. Temple is home to more African American students than any other university in the Northeast, and it’s this diversity and sense of global community that sets the university apart. 


Classes & Curriculum

The 主修非洲学和非裔美国人研究 curriculum includes a combination of general education, global studies, 选修课程和学位课程. 


  • 非洲文明
  • Afrocentricity
  • 黑人民俗:非洲人和非裔美国人
  • 非洲学概论
  • 研究方法简介
  • Tupac Shakur和嘻哈革命

Learn more about 主修非洲学和非裔美国人研究 required courses



文理学院有 22个本科证书课程 让你扩展你的知识,使你的教育多元化. 证书可以补充学士学位课程, allowing you to specialize in an area and highlight your exposure to disciplines outside of your major.

Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, the Bachelor of Arts offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

Tuition rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, and more. 你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $18,864.00 per year
Out-of-state: $33,912.00 per year